Expanded release of Jerry Goldsmith soundtrack for flavorful Joe Dante movie! Set during the tense 1962 Cuban missile crisis when the United States and the Soviet Union became poised for nuclear war, the Universal Picture put young stars Simon Fenton, Omri Katz, Lisa Jakub alongside grownups John Goodman, Cathy Moriarty and the premiere of new horror movie from sensational producer Laurence Woolsey (Goodman). Key West, Florida is setting for combination comedy, schlock horror... and frighteningly real period picture unfolding during crucial turning point in sixties Cold War history.
Director Dante melds terrific brew of entertainment both fun and serious, with Woolsey movie-within-a-movie premiere sharing time with gentle youth love story. Both play out while world - especially those inhabitants of Key West - cope with possible annilhilation and nuclear fallout. Dante turns to his favorite composer, Jerry Goldsmith, to find delicate balance between comic producer and his premiere, tender moments of young teens discovering love and WWIII.