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Retour sur les documentaires Goldsmith

Lukas Kendall fait un tour d'horizon des documentaires/Jerry Goldsmith, issus des éditions DVD des films mis en musique par le maestro. Intéressant !

In 2000-01 I was invited to be the "Music Editor" for an innovative entertainment magazine that was to be produced on a DVD, called DVD Preview With Leonard Maltin. At least one "issue" was included with a Film Score Monthly magazine mailing, I recall. It seemed crazy expensive to me (probably the reason it didn't go forward), but the creators were very nice, and as Gore Vidal said, "Never pass up an opportunity to have sex or appear on television." I wrote and hosted this segment on Jerry Goldsmith which we shot on the Fox Scoring Stage, probably in late 2000, for the "Vol. 1, Winter 2001" issue #1. I didn't actually interview Jerry, of course—we spliced footage from various DVD releases and featurettes. But here it is! (I am not responsible for the lighting in the first shot, apparently done by a Morlock.)

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